About Us

Our Inspiration

The decision to venture into the world of supplements was born from a shared passion for the well-being of women in one of the most significant stages of their lives: premenopause and menopause. We observed the challenging transformations that this stage entails and felt the urgent need to create solutions that provide genuine support and relief. It was this motivation to enhance the quality of life for women in this period that propelled us to bring our supplements brand to life.


Our Journey to Establishing the Company

The journey that led us to establish this company was a path filled with research, passion, and dedication. We brought together a team of experts in nutrition, women's health, and supplement formulation, all united by a common goal: to develop effective and reliable products that address the specific challenges that women in premenopause and menopause face. This collaboration and holistic approach allowed us to create a range of supplements backed by science and designed to provide comprehensive support.


Mission and Values

Our Mission: To face premenopause and menopause with empowerment and confidence, providing quality supplements that nurture the physical and emotional well-being of women in this stage of life.

Core Values:

  • Commitment to Quality: We strive to deliver supplements backed by the highest quality and rigorous scientific research. The trust of our customers is our priority.
  • Empathy and Support: We value personal connection with our customers. We are dedicated to understanding their needs and providing support every step of the way.
  • Innovation and Science: We constantly seek innovation in our formulations, based on science and a deep understanding of hormonal and health changes in this stage of life.

Impact on Our Customers' Lives

Our greatest desire is for our supplements to become reliable allies on women's journey to well-being during premenopause and menopause. We hope that our products not only address physical symptoms but also inspire confidence and empowerment in every woman who chooses them. By providing solutions that alleviate and strengthen, we aspire for our customers to face this stage of life with renewed optimism and vitality.


Our Personal Story

The inspiration for our brand arose from a transformative personal experience. Having witnessed my own mother navigate the challenges of premenopause with limited resources and support, I was driven to make a difference. Her journey highlighted the lack of tailored solutions for women in this phase of life. This experience ignited a passion within me to create a brand that not only provides effective supplements but also fosters a sense of community and empowerment. Every woman deserves to face this stage with confidence and vitality, and it's this commitment that fuels our dedication to crafting products that truly make a positive impact. This personal connection to the challenges of premenopause and menopause motivates us to provide solutions that genuinely make a difference in women's lives.


Achievements and Milestones

Each achievement and milestone in our journey has reinforced our commitment to our customers. From the initial steps in research and development to the successful launch of our first products, each milestone has affirmed our dedication to delivering quality products and authentic support. These achievements drive us to continue innovating and expanding our reach, always with the goal of positively impacting women's lives in this vital stage.

In summary, our supplements brand is the result of a shared passion for female well-being and a scientific focus on creating effective solutions. We are here to support, empower, and accompany women on their journey to healthy and vibrant premenopause and menopause.